Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: WU YU-TZU
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 2

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Albert Sanchez-Niubo, Carlos G. Forero, Yu-Tzu Wu, Iago Gine-Vazquez, Matthew Prina, Javier de la Fuente, Christina Daskalopoulou, Elena Critselis, Alejandro De La Torre-Luque, Demosthenes Panagiotakos, Holger Arndt, Jose Luis Ayuso-Mateos, Ivet Bayes-Marin, Jerome Bickenbach, Martin Bobak, Francisco Felix Caballero, Somnath Chatterji, Laia Egea-Cortes, Esther Garcia-Esquinas, Matilde Leonardi, Seppo Koskinen, Ilona Koupil, Blanca Mellor-Marsa ´, Beatriz Olaya, Andrzej Pająk, Martin Prince, Alberto Raggi, Fernando Rodriguez-Artalejo, Warren Sanderson, Sergei Scherbov, Abdonas Tamosiunas, Beata Tobias-Adamczyk, Stefanos Tyrovolas, Josep Maria Haro.
Development of a common scale for measuring healthy ageing across the world : results from the ATHLOS consortium.
International Journal of Epidemiology
2021 : Vol. 50, nr 3, s. 880-892, il., bibliogr. 50 poz., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: Albert Sanchez-Niubo.
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY-NC 4.0.

p-ISSN: 0300-5771
e-ISSN: 1464-3685

IF: 9.685
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
Yu-Tzu Wu, Christina Daskalopoulou, Graciela Muniz Terrera, Albert Sanchez Niubo, Fernando Rodríguez-Artalejo, Jose Luis Ayuso-Mateos, Martin Bobak, Francisco Félix Caballero, Javierde la Fuente, Alejandrode la Torre-Luque, Esther García-Esquinas, Jose Maria Haro, Seppo Koskinen, Ilona Koupil, Matilde Leonardi, Andrzej Pajak, Demosthenes Panagiotakos, Denes Stefler, Beata Tobias-Adamczyk, Martin Prince, A. Matthew Prina.
Education and wealth inequalities in healthy ageing in eight harmonised cohorts in the ATHLOS consortium : a population-based study.
Lancet. Public Health
2020 : Vol. 5, nr 7, s. e386-e394, il., bibliogr. 29 poz., sum.
Autor korespondencyjny: A. Matthew Prina.
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0.

p-ISSN: 2468-2667

IF: 21.648
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
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