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H-M. Hasselhorn, P. Tackenberg, Angelika Kuemmerling, J. Wittenberg, M. Simon, P.M. Conway, P.A. Bertazzi, Beate Beermann, A. Buscher, Donatella Camerino, J.F. Caillard, W. D'Hoore, Madeleine Estryn-Behar, Marina Fontenla, Dinah Gould, Beate Van der Heijden, Malin Josephson, P. Kiss, Maria Kovarova, P. Kuhn, Marjukka Laine, O. Le Nezet, P. Lindberg, Halszka Oginska, J[anusz] Pokorski, Joanna Pokorska, P. Radkiewicz, M. Rimarcik, Esther Schoot, van der, Stephanie Stelzig, Sabine Stordeur, G. Wickstroem, Maria Widerszal-Bazyl, B.H. Mueller.
Nurses' health, age and the wish to leave the profession--findings from the European NEXT-Study.
Med. Lav.
2006 : Vol. 97, nr 2, s. 207-214, il., bibliogr. 22 poz., summ.
28th International Congress on Occupational Health "Renewing a century of commitment to a healthy, safe and productive working life", Milan, Italy, June 11-16, 2006.
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