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Zapytanie: WILNAI YAEL
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 1

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Ella M.M.A. Martin, Annabelle Enriquez, Duncan B. Sparrow, David T. Humphreys, Aideen M. McInerney-Leo, Paul J. Leo, Emma L. Duncan, Kavitha R. Iyer, Joelene A. Greasby, Eddie Ip, Eleni Giannoulatou, Delicia Sheng, Elizabeth Wohler, Clémantine Dimartino, Jeanne Amiel, Yline Capri, Daphné Lehalle, Adi Mory, Yael Wilnai, Yael Lebenthal, Ali G. Gharavi, Grażyna G. Krzemień, Monika Miklaszewska, Robert D. Steiner, Cathy Raggio, Robert Blank, Hagit Baris Feldman, Hila Milo Rasouly, Nara L.M. Sobreira, Rebekah Jobling, Christopher T. Gordon, Philip F. Giampietro, Sally L. Dunwoodie, Gavin Chapman.
Heterozygous loss of WBP11 function causes multiple congenital defects in humans and mice.
Human Molecular Genetics
2020 : Vol. 29, nr 22, s. 3662-3678, il., bibliog. 72 poz., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: Gavin Chapman.
p-ISSN: 0964-6906

IF: 6.150
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