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Zapytanie: SZYBIST N
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 3

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P[aweł] Stręk, J. Zielinska, E[lżbieta] Reroń, J[acek] Skladzieńn [Skladzień], M[aciej] Modrzejewski, N. Szybist.
Laryngographic closure effectiveness coefficient of the glottis or neoglottis as a way of evaluation of the protection of airways against aspiration.
W: A Multidisciplinary Symposium Integrating: 8th International Congress on Surgical and Prosthetic Rehabilitation after Laryngectomy (Int. Surg. & Prosth. Rehab), Conference of the European Group for Functional surgery following Laryngectomy (EGFL), Conference of the European Group for Dysphagia and Globus (EGDG), Conference of the Groupe de Recherche Europeen sur le larynx (GREL), Workshop of the Laryngological Society (ELS) : Where upper airway and digestive tract mt meet, Amsterdam April 18-21, 2001 : abstract book - programme
s. 47 : abstr. 4.4.18-21, 2001 : abstract book - programme
et, Amsterdam April 18-21, 2001 : abstract book - programme
P[aweł] Stręk, J[acek] Skladzień, M[aciej] Modrzejewski, E[lżbieta] Reroń, N. Szybist.
Objective evaluation of the tongue base reconstruction on the deglutition.
W: A Multidisciplinary Symposium Integrating: 8th International Congress on Surgical and Prosthetic Rehabilitation after Laryngectomy (Int. Surg. & Prosth. Rehab), Conference of the European Group for Functional surgery following Laryngectomy (EGFL), Conference of the European Group for Dysphagia and Globus (EGDG), Conference of the Groupe de Recherche Europeen sur le larynx (GREL), Workshop of the Laryngological Society (ELS) : Where upper airway and digestive tract mt meet, Amsterdam April 18-21, 2001 : abstract book - programme
s. 47 : abstr. 4.3.18-21, 2001 : abstract book - programme
et, Amsterdam April 18-21, 2001 : abstract book - programme
P[aweł] Stręk, E[lzbieta] Reroń, E[ugeniusz] Olszewski, P[aweł] Maga, M[aciej] Modrzejewski, N. Szybist.
Korelacja zaburzeń przepływu krwi w tętnicach kręgowych, ocenianego metodą dopplerowską ze zmianami degenracyjnymi kręgosłupa szyjnego u chorych w podeszłym wieku leczonych z powodu szumów ussnych.
(Correlation of the Doppler's blood flows distempers in vertebral arteries with degenerative cervical spine changes of elderly patients with tinnitus.)
Otolaryngologia Polska
1997 : T. 51 supl. 24, s. 233-235.
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