Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: REMOR E
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 2

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Nieves Prior, E. Remor, E. Perez-Fernandez, C. Gomez-Traseira, M. Caminoa, F. Gaya, A. Aabom, W. Aberer, S. Betschel, A. Bygum, D. Csuka, H. Farkas, A. Groffik, M. Gomide, A. Grumach, I. Leivobich, A. Malbran, E. Mihaly, D. Moldovan, K[rystyna] Obtulowicz, G[rzegorz] Porebski, C. Rayonne, A. Reshef, P. Staubach, M. Wiedning, T. Caballero.
Pilot study and validation of the IHAE-QoL questionnaire.
Journal of Angioedema
2013 : Vol. 1, nr 1, s. 38-39.
The 8th C1 Inhibitor Deficiency Workshop Danubius Thermal Hotel Margitsziget, Budapest, Hungary May 23-26, 2013.
p-ISSN: 2365-5686

N. Prior, E. Remor, E. Perez-Fernandez, C. Gomez-Traseira, M. Caminoa, F. Gayá, A. Aabom, S. Betschel, A. Bygum, D. Csuka, H. Farkas, A. Groffik, M. Gomide, A. Grumach, I. Leibovich, A. Malbran, E. Mihaly, D. Moldovan, K[rystyna] Obtulowicz, G[rzegorz] Porebski, C. Rayonne, A. Reshef, P. Staubach, M. Wiednig, T. Caballero.
Validation of the international quality of life questionnaire for hereditary angioedema.
2013 : Vol. 68, suppl. 97, s. 111, abstr. 1841.
Abstracts from the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and World Allergy Organization World Allergy and Asthma Congress, Milan, Italy, 22-26 June 2013.
p-ISSN: 0105-4538

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