Bibliografia UJ CM

Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 3

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Kim Cocks, Jane R. Wells, Colin Johnson, Heike Schmidt, Michael Koller, Simone Oerlemans, Galina Velikova, Monica Pinto, Krzysztof A. Tomaszewski, Neil K. Aaronson, Elizabeth Exall, Chelsea Finbow, Deborah Fitzsimmons, Laura Grant, Mogens Groenvold, Chloe Tolley, Sally Wheelwright, Andrew Bottomley.
Content validity of the EORTC quality of life questionnaire QLQ-C30 for use in cancer
European Journal of Cancer
2022 : Vol. 178, s. 128-138, il., bibliogr. 25 poz., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: Kim Cocks
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0.

p-ISSN: 0959-8049

IF: 8.400
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
Kim Cocks, Chloe Tolley, Laura Grant, Jane Wells, Sally Wheelwright, Krzysztof Tomaszewski, Mogens Gronvold, Andrew Bottomley, Deborah Fitzsimmons, Galina Velikova, Simone Oerlemans, Monica Pinto, Colin Johnson.
Qualitative evidence on the content validity of EORTC QLQ-C30: Initial findings.
Quality of Life Research
2018 : Vol. 27, suppl. 1, s. S50-S51, abstr. 304.2
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution International License CC BY 4.0
p-ISSN: 0962-9343

Kim Cocks, Chloe Tolley, Laura Grant, Sally Wheelwright, Krzysztof Tomaszewski, Andrew Bottomley, Deborah Fitzsimmons, Galina Velikova, Simone Oerlemans, Juan I. Arraras, Neil K. Aaronson, Colin D. Johnson.
Generation of evidence to support the content validity of legacy quality of life instruments: EORTC QLQ-C30 case study.
Quality of Life Research
2017 : Vol. 26, suppl. 1, s. 101, abstr. 2014.
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution International License CC BY 4.0
24th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research - ISOQOL 2017, Philadelphia, Pensylvania, US, 18-21 October 2017.

p-ISSN: 0962-9343

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