Bibliografia UJ CM

Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 4

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The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine.
Edited by A. John Camm, Thomas F. Lüscher, Gerald Maurer, and Patrick W. Serruys.
Third Edition.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019.
3408 s. : il.; 28 cm - bibliogr.
Publikacja nie należy do dorobku UJ CM.
p-ISBN: 978-0-19-878490-6

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Robert O. Bonow, Gerald Maurer, Kerry L. Lee, Thomas A. Holly, Philip F. Binkley, Patrice Desvigne-Nickens, Jaroslaw Drozdz, Pedro S. Farsky, Arthur M. Feldman, Torsten Doenst, Robert E. Michler, Daniel S. Berman, Jose C. Nicolau, Patricia A. Pellikka, Krzysztof Wrobel, Nasri Alotti, Federico M. Asch, Liliana E. Favaloro, Lilin She, Eric J. Velazquez, Robert H. Jones, Julio A. Panza, STICH Trial Investigators.
Myocardial viability and survival in ischemic left ventricular dysfunction.
New England Journal of Medicine
2011 : Vol. 364, nr 17, s. 1617-1625, il., bibliogr. 45 poz., abstr.
p-ISSN: 0028-4793

IF: 53.298
Noemi Nyolczas, Mariann Gyongyosi, Gilbert Beran, Markus Dettke, Senta Graf, Heinz Sochor, Gunther Christ, Istvan Edes, Laszlo Balogh, Korff T. Krause, Kai Jaquet, Karl-Heinz Kuck, Imre Benedek, Theodora Hintea, Robert Kiss, Istvan Preda, Vladimir Kotevski, Hristo Pejkov, Darius Dudek, Grzegorz Heba, Christer Sylven, Silvia Charvat, Ronaldo Jacob, Gerald Maurer, Irene Lang, Dietmar Glogar.
Design and rationale for the Myocardial Stem Cell Administration After Acute Myocardial Infarction (MYSTAR) Study : a multicenter, prospective, randomized, single-blind trial comparing early and late intracoronary or combined (percutaneous intramyocardial and intracoronary) administration of nonselected autologous bone marrow cells to patients after acute myocardial infarction.
American Heart Journal
2007 : Vol. 153, nr 2, s. 212.e1-212.e7, il., bibliogr., abstr.
p-ISSN: 0002-8703

IF: 3.649
Mariann Gyongyosi, Aliasghar Khorsand, Sholeh Zamini, Wolfgang Sperker, Christoph Strehblow, Jens Kastrup, Eric Jorgensen, Birger Hesse, Kristina Tägil, Hans Erik Botker, Witold Ruzyllo, Anna Teresińska, Dariusz Dudek, Alicja Hubalewska, Andreas Rück, Soren Steen Nielsen, Senta Graf, Gerald Mundigler, Jacek Novak, Heinz Sochor, Gerald Maurer, Dietmar Glogar, Christer Sylven.
NOGA-Guided Analysis of Regional Myocardial Perfusion Abnormalities Treated With Intramyocardial Injections of Plasmid Encoding Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A-165 in Patients With Chronic Myocardial Ischemia : Subanalysis of the EUROINJECT-ONE Multicenter Double-Blind Randomized Study.
2005 : Vol. 112, nr 9 suppl., s. I157-I165, il., bibliogr. 24 poz.
IF: 11.632
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