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Zapytanie: MAJCHER P
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 6

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A[ndrzej] Gryglewski, K[rzysztof] Bryniarski, P. Majcher, M[aria] Ptak, W[łodzimierz] Ptak, M[arian] Szczepanik.
Surgical trauma induces immunosuppression mediated by Tγδ cells releasing TGF-β.
Central European Journal of Immunology
2005 : Vol. 30 suppl. 1, s. 33, abstr. 109
12th Congress of Polish Society of Clinical and Experimental Immunology, Lublin, Poland, 19th-22nd May, 2005.
A[ndrzej] Gryglewski, M[arian] Szczepanik, P. Majcher, T[adeusz] Popiela, W[łodzimierz] Ptak.
Prognostic aspect of T gamma, delta cell redistributin after surgical operations.
Przegląd Lekarski
2000 : T. 57 supl. 6, s. 104, abstr. 476
4th Annual Meeting of European Society of Surgery, Kraków, December 3rd-6th, 2000.
A[ndrzej] Gryglewski, M[arian] Szczepanik, P. Majcher, T[adeusz] Popiela, W[łodzimierz] Ptak.
Tγδ cell count may help to prognose postoperative recovery after gastrointestinal surgery. (Poziom komórek Tγδ może być pomocny w prognozowaniu przebiegu pooperacyjnego u chorych po zabiegach gastroenterologicznych).
Eur. Surg. Res.
1999 : Vol. 31 suppl. 1 s. 125, abstr. PP6.
34th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research (ESSR), Bern, Switzerland, April 22-24, 1999.
A[ndrzej] Gryglewski, M[arian] Szczepanik, P. Majcher, T[adeusz] Popiela, W[łodzimierz] Ptak.
Different patterns of T gamma delta and T alfa beta cell redistribution after gastrectomy. Clinical aspects.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation
1998 : Vol. 28 suppl. 1, s. A22, abstr. 115
The 32nd European Society for Clinical Investigation Meeting, 16th - 19th April 1998, Cracow, Poland.
A[ndrzej] Gryglewski, M[arian] Szczepanik, P. Majcher, T[adeusz] Popiela, W[łodzimierz] Ptak.
Different patterns of T gamma delta and T alfa beta cell redistribution after surgical trauma.
British Journal of Surgery
1998 : Vol. 85 suppl. 2, s. 110
Eurosurgery 98 - Eighth European Congress of Surgery. Budapest, July, 1998.
W[łodzimierz] Ptak, M[ałgorzata] Klimek, K[rzysztof] Bryniarski, M[aria] Ptak, P. Majcher.
Macrophage function in alloxan diabetic mice : expression of adhesion molecules, generation of monokines and oxygen and NO radicals.
Clinical and Experimental Immunology
1998 : Vol. 114, s. 13-18, il., bibliogr. 42 poz., summ.
IF: 2.683
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