Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: MAJ A
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 2

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A. Maj, Agata Kryczyk-Poprawa, Elżbieta Rząsa-Duran, Joanna Piotrowska, Bożena Muszyńska, Włodzimierz Opoka.
Assessment of zinc content in preparations with the addition of natural raw materials supporting the therapy of diabetes
W: 4th - International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences : Natural vs. artificial networks: The usefulness of the concept in health, life and technical sciences, Kraków - Martin - Szeged, 16-18.09. 2022
s. 161-162 : abstr.
E. Sito, P[iotr] J. Thor, M[ałgorzata] Mączka, K. Lorens, S[tanisław] J. Konturek, A. Maj.
Double-blind crossover study of ranitidine and ebrotidine in gastro-esophageal reflux disease.
Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
1993 : Vol. 44, nr 3, s. 259-272, il., bibliogr. 17 poz.
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