Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: MACHACZKA M
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 4

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Z[bigniew] Rudzki, K[rzysztof] Okon, M. Machaczka, M[ałgorzata] Rucinska, B[olesław] Papla, A[leksander] B. Skotnicki.
Bone marrow histology in Gaucher disease treated with imuglucerase.
J. Clin. Pathol.
2002 : Vol. 55 suppl. 1, s. A8, abstr. 029
XI Meeting European Association for Haematology, Siena, Italy, 26-30 May, 2002.
Adres url:
A[leksander] B. Skotnicki, B[eata] Piątkowska-Jakubas, M. Machaczka, M[arta] Szostek, A. Balana-Nowak, M[ałgorzata] Rucińska, P[atrycja] Mensah, D[orota] Hawrylecka, L[arissa] Verda, M. Sobociński.
Autologous stem cell transplants in acute leukemia - single center experience.
W: New Trends in the Treatment of Acute Leukemia : Sixth Seminar, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 16 - 18, 2001 : programme and abstract book
s. 115-116 : abstr. L-25.
A[rtur] Jurczyszyn, L[arissa] Verda, M. Machaczka, T[eresa] Wolska-Smoleń, A[leksander] B. Skotnicki.
Follow up of multiple myeloma /MM/ patients subjected to high-dose therapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation /ASCT/-single centre experience.
W: The Judith and George Goldman Symposium on Innovative Research in Multiple Myeloma, Amelia Island, FL, January 19-21, 2001
s. 245.
B[eata] Piatkowska-Jakubas, A. Zaluska, M. Machaczka, M. Sobocinski, Z[bigniew] Walter, A[leksander] B. Skotnicki.
Veno-occlusive disease o the liver after autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT).
Hematol. J.
2001 : Vol. 1 suppl. 1, s. 225, abstr. 834
6th Annual Meeting of the European Haematology Association, Frankfurt, Germany, 21-24 June 2001.
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