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Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 4

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Ilona Barańska, Violetta Kijowska, Yvonne Engels, Harriet Finne-Soveri, Katherine Froggatt, Giovanni Gambassi, Teija Hammar, Mariska Oosterveld-Vlug, Sheila Payne, Nele Van der Noortgate, Tinne Smets, Lieve Van den Block, Katarzyna Szczerbińska.
Factors Associated with Perception of the Quality of Physicians' End-of-life Communication in Long-Term Care Facilities: PACE Cross-Sectional Study.
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
2020 : Vol. 21, nr 3, s. 439.e1-439.e8., bibliogr., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: Katarzyna Szczerbińska.
p-ISSN: 1525-8610

IF: 4.669
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
Ilona Barańska, Violetta Kijowska, Yvonne Engels, Harriet Finne-Soveri, Katherine Froggatt, Giovanni Gambassi, Teija Hammar, Mariska Oosterveld-Vlug, Sheila Payne, Nele Van Den Noortgate, Tinne Smets, Luc Deliens, Lieve Van den Block, Katarzyna Szczerbińska.
Perception of the Quality of Communication With Physicians Among Relatives of Dying Residents of Long-term Care Facilities in 6 European Countries: PACE Cross-Sectional Study.
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
2020 : Vol. 21, nr 3, s. 331-337, il., bibliogr. 44 poz., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: Katarzyna Szczerbińska.
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0.

p-ISSN: 1525-8610

IF: 4.669
Adres url:
Streszczenie w PubMed:
Ilona Barańska, Katarzyna Szczerbińska, Violetta Kijowska, M.G. Oosterveld-Vlug, Tinne Smets, Teija Hammar, Yvonne Engels, Giovanni Gambassi, Sheila Payne, Nele Van der Noortgate, Katherine Froggatt, Luc Deliens, Lieve Van den Block.
Quality of Communication between Physicians and Relatives of Dying Nursing Home Residents: The EU FP7 PACE Cross-sectional Survey.
Palliative Medicine
2018 : Vol. 32, suppl. 1, s. 170-171, abstr. P294
10th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), Bern, Switzerland, on 24 to 26 May 2018.
p-ISSN: 0269-2163

Harriet Finne-Soveri, Paula Andreasen, Roberto Bernabei, Michael Denkinger, Jacob Gindin, Teija Hammar, Rauha Heikkila, Hein van Hout, Marika Kylanen, Graziano Onder, Suvi Peltola, Henriette van der Roest, Katarzyna Szczerbińska, Eva Topinkova.
Prevalence and associates of DNR-order, in European long-term care facilities. Results from the EU-funded SHELTER study.
W: The 23rd Nordic Congress of Gerontology (23 NKG), Tampere, Finland, 19-22 June 2016 : abstracts.
s. 213 : abstr. 1123.
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