Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: EMBERLIN J
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 4

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A. Stach, J. Emberlin, M. Smith, B. Adams-Groom, D[orota] Myszkowska.
Factors that determine the severity of Betula spp. pollen seasons in Poland (Poznań and Krakow) and the United Kingdom (Worcester and London).
International Journal of Biometeorology
2008 : Vol. 52, nr 4, s. 311-321, il., bibliogr., abstr.
p-ISSN: 0020-7128

IF: 2.084
J. Emberlin, M. Laaidi, M. Detandt, R. Gehrig, S. Jaeger, D[orota] Myszkowska, N. Nolard, A. Rantio-Lehtimaki, A. Stach.
Changement climatique et e´volution du contenu pollinique de l'air dans sept pays europe´ens : exemple du bouleau.
(Climate change and evolution of the pollen content of the air in seven European countries: The example of Birch.)
Rev. Fr. Allergol. Immunol. Clin.
2007 : Vol. 47, nr 2, s. 57-63, il., bibliogr. 22 publ., abstr., res.
p-ISSN: 0335-7457

IF: 0.241
A. Stach, J. Emberlin, B. Adams-Groom, D[orota] Myszkowska.
Factors that determine the severity of Betula pollen seasons in Poznan and Cracow, Poland and Worcester and London, UK.
W: The 8th International Congress on Aerobiology "Towards a comprehensive vision", Neuchatel, Switzerland, 21-25 August 2006 : abstracts
s. 227.
H. Ranta, A. Oksanen, K.-C. Bergmann, E. Bucher, A. Ekobom, J. Emberlin, R. Gehrig, M. Hallsdottir, V. Jato, S. Jager, D[orota] Myszkowska, A. Paldy, H. Ramjford, E. Severova, M. Thibaudon.
Spatio-temporal patterns of annual loads of airborne birch pollen in Europe.
W: The 8th International Congress on Aerobiology "Towards a comprehensive vision", Neuchatel, Switzerland, 21-25 August 2006 : abstracts
s. 175.
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