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T[omasz] Knurowski, D. Lazic, J. Dijk, van, A[ndrea] Madarasova-Geckova, B[eata] Tobiasz-Adamczyk, W[im] Van den Heuvel.
Health status and the quality of life among elderly in Poland and Croatia.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
2004 : Vol. 58 suppl. 1, s. A89-A90, abstr. 092
European Congress of Epidemiology, Porto, Portugal, 8-11 September 2004.
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T[omasz] Knurowski, J. Dijk, van, P[iotr] Brzyski, B[eata] Tobiasz-Adamczyk, W[im] Van den Heuvel.
Functional status in relation to socio-economic status in elderly in Cracow.
European Journal of Public Health
2002 : Vol. 12, nr 4 suppl., s. 69
Abstracts of the 10th Annual EUPHA Meeting Bridging the Gap between Research and Policy in Public Health: Information, Promotion and Training, Dresden, Germany, 28-30 November 2002.
T[omasz] Knurowski, B[eata] Tobiasz-Adamczyk, P[iotr] Lysy, J. Dijk, van, W[im] Van den Heuvel.
Stressful life events and life satisfaction in elderly in Poland.
W: European Society for Health and Medical Sociology, BSA Medical Sociology Group 2nd Joint Conference : Health in transition : European perspectives, University of York, 14th - 17th September, 2000 : programme
s. 123 : abstr.
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