Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: DIB MOBIN
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 2

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Johanna Helmstadter, Katie Frenis, Konstantina Filippou, Alexandra Grill, Mobin Dib, Sanela Kalinovic, Franziska Pawelke, Kamil Kus, Swenja Kroller-Schon, Matthias Oelze, Stefan Chlopicki, Detlef Schuppan, Philip Wenzel, Wolfram Ruf, Daniel J. Drucker, Thomas Munzel, Andreas Daiber, Sebastian Steven.
Endothelial GLP-1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide 1) Receptor Mediates Cardiovascular Protection by Liraglutide In Mice With Experimental Arterial Hypertension.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
2020 : Vol. 40, nr 1, s. 145-158, il., bibliogr. 47 poz.
Autor korespondencyjny: Sebastian Steven.
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0.

p-ISSN: 1079-5642

IF: 8.311
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
Andrzej Fedorowicz, Elżbieta Buczek, Łukasz Mateuszuk, Elżbieta Czarnowska, Barbara Sitek, Agnieszka Jasztal, Antonina Chmura-Skirlińska, Mobin Dib, Sebastian Steven, Andreas Daiber, Stefan Chlopicki.
Comparison of Pulmonary and Systemic NO- and PGI2-Dependent Endothelial Function in Diabetic Mice.
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
2018 : Vol. 2018, art. no. 4036709, s. 1-15, il., bibliogr. 71 poz., abstr.
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0.
Autor korespondencyjny: Stefan Chłopicki.

p-ISSN: 1942-0900

IF: 4.868
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
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