Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: CZECH M
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 3

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R[oman] Topor-Madry, B. Wojtyniak, K. Strojek, D. Rutkowski, S. Bogusławski, A. Ignaszewska-Wyrzykowska, P. Jarosz-Chobot, M. Czech, A. Kozierkiewicz, K. Chlebus, T. Jędrzejczyk, M. Mysliwiec, J. Polanska, M.J. Wysocki, T. Zdrojewski.
Prevalence of diabetes in Poland: a combined analysis of national databases.
Diabetic Medicine
2019 : Vol. 36, nr 10, s. 1209-1216, bibliogr. 37 poz., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: Roman Topór-Mądry.
p-ISSN: 0742-3071

IF: 3.083
Adres url:
Streszczenie w PubMed:
P[aweł] Kawalec, M. Czech.
Cost of diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2 studies in countries of central and eastern Europe-a systematic review of the litarature.
Value in Health
2010 : Vol. 13, nr 7, s. A288-A289
ISPOR 13th Annual European Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, November 6-9, 2010.
P[aweł] Kawalec, M. Czech, T. Faluta.
Budget impact of dopamine agonists in Poland.
Value in Health
2007 : Vol. 10, nr 6, s. A380, abstr PND3
ISPOR Tenth Annual European Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 20-23 October 2007.
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