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Zapytanie: CONNOLLY D L
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L. Fabritz, D.L. Connolly, E. Czarnecki, D[ariusz] Dudek, E. Guasch, D. Haase, T. Huebner, A. Zlahoda-Huzior, K. Jolly, P. Kirchhof, J. Obergassel, U. Schotten, E. Vettorazzi, S.J. Winkelmann, A. Zapf, R.B. Schnabel.
Smartphone and wearable detected atrial arrhythmias in older adults : results of a fully digital European case finding study
European Heart Journal. Digital Health
2022 : Vol. 3, nr 4, s. 610-625, il., bibliogr. 56 poz.
Autor korespondencyjny: L Fabritz
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY-NC 4.0.

p-ISSN: 2634-3916

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