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Alfredo R. Galassi, Georgios Sianos, Gerald S. Werner, Javier Escaned, Salvatore D. Tomasello, Marouane Boukhris, Marine Castaing, Joachim H. Buttner, Alexander Bufe, Artis Kalnins, James C. Spratt, Roberto Garbo, David Hildick-Smith, Simon Elhadad, Andrea Gagnor, Bernward Lauer, Leszek Bryniarski, Evald H. Christiansen, Leif Thuesen, Markus Meyer-Gessner, Omer Goktekin, Mauro Carlino, Yves Louvard, Thierry Lefevre, Aigars Lismanis, Valery L. Gelev, Antonio Serra, Francesco Marza, Carlo Di Mario, Nicolaus Reifart, the Euro CTO Club.
Retrograde Recanalization of Chronic Total Occlusions in Europe: Procedural, In-Hospital, and Long-Term Outcomes From the Multicenter ERCTO Registry.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
2015 : Vol. 65, nr 22, s. 2388-2400, il., bibliogr. 34 poz., abstr.
p-ISSN: 0735-1097

IF: 17.759
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