Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: BELL GRAEME I
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 2

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Emma L. Edghill, Sarah E. Flanagan, Ann-Marie Patch, Chris Boustred, Andrew Parrish, Beverly Shields, Maggie H. Shepherd, Khalid Hussain, Ritika R. Kapoor, Maciej Malecki, Michael J. MacDonald, Julie Stoy, Donald F. Steiner, Louis F. Philipson, Graeme I. Bell, Neonatal Diabetes Int. Collaborative Group, Andrew T. Hattersley, Sian Ellard.
Insulin mutation screening in 1,044 patients with diabetes : mutations in the INS gene are a common cause of neonatal diabetes but a rare cause of diabetes diagnosed in childhood or adulthood.
2008 : Vol. 57, nr 4, s. 1034-1042, il., bibliogr. 30 poz.
p-ISSN: 0012-1797

IF: 8.398
Takafumi Tsuchiya, Peter E.H. Schwarz, Laura Bosque-Plata, del, M. Geoffrey Hayes, Christian Dina, Philippe Froguel, G. Wayne Towers, Sabine Fischer, Theodora Temelkova-Kurktschiev, Hannes Rietzsch, Juergen Graessler, Josef Vcelák, Daniela Palyzová, Thomas Selisko, Bela Bendlová, Jan Schulze, Ulrich Julius, Markolf Hanefeld, Michael N. Weedon, Julie C. Evans, Timothy M. Frayling, Andrew T. Hattersley, Marju Orho-Melander, Leif Groop, Maciej T. Malecki, Torben Hansen, Oluf Pedersen, Tasha E. Fingerlin, Michael Boehnke, Craig L. Hanis, Nancy J. Cox, Graeme I. Bell.
Association of the calpain-10 gene with type 2 diabetes in Europeans : results of pooled and meta-analyses.
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism
2006 : Vol. 89, nr 1-2, s. 174-184, bibliogr., abstr.
IF: 2.371
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