Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: BAX JEROEN
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 5

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Tomasz J. Guzik, Jeroen Bax.
Leaders in Cardiovascular Research: Jeroen Bax.
Cardiovascular Research
2019 : Vol. 115, nr 11, s. e109-e110
Autor korespondencyjny: Jeroen Bax.

p-ISSN: 0008-6363

Adres url:
Streszczenie w PubMed:
Christian W. Hamm, Jean-Pierre Bassand, Stefan Agewall, Jeroen Bax, Eric Boersma, Hector Bueno, Pio Caso, Dariusz Dudek, Stephan Gielen, Kurt Huber, Magnus Ohman, Mark C. Petrie, Frank Sonntag, Miguel Sousa Uva, Robert F. Storey, William Wijns, Doron Zahger Zahger.
Guia de practica clinica de la ESC para el manejo del sindrome coronario agudo en pacientes sin elevacion persistente del segmento ST.
Revista Espanola de Cardiologia
2012 : Vol. 65, nr 2, s. 173.e1-173-e.55, il., bibliogr.
p-ISSN: 0300-8932

IF: 3.204
Adres url:
Adres url:
Christian W. Hamm, Jean-Pierre Bassand, Stefan Agewall, Jeroen Bax, Eric Boersma, Hector Bueno, Pio Caso, Dariusz Dudek, Stephan Gielen, Kurt Huber, Magnus Ohman, Mark C. Petrie, Frank Sonntag, Miguel Sousa Uva, Robert F. Storey, William Wijns, Doron Zahger.
Linee guida ESC per il trattamento delle sindromi coronariche acute nei pazienti senza sopraslivellamento persistente del tratto ST alla presentazione. Task Force per il Trattamento delle Sindromi Coronariche Acute (SCA) nei Pazienti senza Sopraslivellamento Persistente del Tratto ST alla Presentazione della Societa Europea di Cardiologia (ESC).
(ESC guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation. The Task Force for the management of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).)
G. Ital. Cardiol. (2006, Online)
2012 : Vol. 13, nr 3, s. 171-228, il., bibliogr. 320 poz.
e-ISSN: 1972-6481

Christian W. Hamm, Jean-Pierre Bassand, Stefan Agewall, Jeroen Bax, Eric Boersma, Hector Bueno, Pio Caso, Dariusz Dudek, Stephan Gielen, Kurt Huber, Magnus Ohman, Mark C. Petrie, Frank Sonntag, Miguel Sousa Uva Miguel Sousa Uva, Robert F. Storey, William Wijns, Doron Zahger.
ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation: The Task Force for the management of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
European Heart Journal
2011 : Vol. 32, nr 23, s. 2999-3054, il., bibliogr. 320 poz.
p-ISSN: 0195-668X

IF: 10.478
Frans Van de Werf, Jeroen Bax, Amadeo Betriu, Carina Blomstrom-Lundqvist, Filippo Crea, Volkmar Falk, Gerasimos Filippatos, Keith Fox, Kurt Huber, Adnan Kastrati, Annika Rosengren, P. Gabriel Steg, Marco Tubaro, Freek Verheugt, Franz Weidinger, Michael Weis, Alec Vahanian, John Camm, Raffaele De Caterina, Veronica Dean, Kenneth Dickstein, Christian Funck-Brentano, Irene Hellemans, Steen Dalby Kristensen, Keith McGregor, Udo Sechtem, Sigmund Silber, Michal Tendera, Petr Widimsky, Jose Luis Zamorano, Frank V. Aguirre, Nawwar Al-Attar, Eduardo Alegria, Felicita Andreotti, Werner Benzer, Ole Breithardt, Nicholas Danchin, Carlo Di Mario, D[ariusz] Dudek, Dietrich Gulba, Sigrun Halvorsen, Philipp Kaufmann, Ran Kornowski, Gregory Y.H. Lip, Frans Rutten.
Management of acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting with persistent ST-segment elevation : the Task Force on the Management of ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction of the European Society of Cardiology.
European Heart Journal
2008 : Vol. 29, nr 23, s. 2909-2945, bibliogr. 257 poz.
p-ISSN: 0195-668X

IF: 8.917
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