Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: BABIK B
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 4

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B. Babik, P. Dziura, D. Zych, A. Radzimska, Bożena Muszyńska.
Activity of selected polysaccharides obtained from algae
W: 4th - International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences : Natural vs. artificial networks: The usefulness of the concept in health, life and technical sciences, Kraków - Martin - Szeged, 16-18.09. 2022
s. 126-129 : abstr.
A. Radzimska, B. Babik, P. Dziura, D. Zych, Bożena Muszyńska.
Neuroprotective and neuroregenerative activity of active compounds contained in mushrooms and plants
W: 4th - International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences : Natural vs. artificial networks: The usefulness of the concept in health, life and technical sciences, Kraków - Martin - Szeged, 16-18.09. 2022
s. 118-122 : abstr.
D. Zych, B. Babik, P. Dziura, A. Radzimska, Bożena Muszyńska.
Pleurotus djamor and its prohealth activity
W: 4th - International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences : Natural vs. artificial networks: The usefulness of the concept in health, life and technical sciences, Kraków - Martin - Szeged, 16-18.09. 2022
s. 130-131 : abstr.
P. Dziura, B. Babik, D. Zych, A. Radzimska, Bożena Muszyńska.
Polysaccharides with immunomodulatory properties
W: 4th - International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences : Natural vs. artificial networks: The usefulness of the concept in health, life and technical sciences, Kraków - Martin - Szeged, 16-18.09. 2022
s. 123-125 : abstr.
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