Bibliografia UJ CM

Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 3

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M. Wagrowska-Danilewicz, A. Halon, K[rzysztof] Okon, A. Andrzejewska, A. Marszalek, W. Salwa-Zurawska, A. Korolczuk, H. Karkoszka, A. Mroz, M. Danilewicz, A. Perkowska-Ptasinska.
Spectrum of biosy-proven renal diseases in adults : a 9-year review of nine regional renal databases in Poland.
Virchows Archiv
2010 : Vol. 457, nr 2, s. 162, abstr. 001
Intercongress Meeting of the European Society of Pathology : promoting excellence in cellular pathology, Kraków, Poland, 31 August - 3 September 2010.
A. Perkowska-Ptasinska, M. Wagrowska-Danilewicz, M. Danilewicz, A. Halon, E. Komuda, H. Karkoszka, A. Andrzejewska, K[rzysztof] Okon, I. Kurnatowska, M. Krasnicka, T. Hryszko, M. Kusztal.
The Oxford classification of IgA-nephropathy : a review based on the Polish renal biopsy registry.
Virchows Archiv
2010 : Vol. 457, nr 2, s. 106, abstr. 003
Intercongress Meeting of the European Society of Pathology : promoting excellence in cellular pathology, Kraków, Poland, 31 August - 3 September 2010.
A. Perkowska-Ptasinska, M. Danilewicz, A. Halon, M. Klinger, M. Durlik, K[rzysztof] Okon, A. Andrzejewska, B. Szynaka, A. Mroz, M. Wagrowska-Danilewicz.
Spectrum of biopsy-proven renal diseases in adults : a 6 year review of five regional renal biopsy databases in Poland.
Virchows Archiv
2009 : Vol. 455 suppl. 1, abstr. P4.140
22nd European Congress of Pathology, Florence, Italy, 4-9 September 2009.
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