Bibliografia UJ CM

Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 1

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Javier Escaned, Carlos Collet, Nicola Ryan, Giovanni Luigi De Maria, Simon Walsh, Manel Sabate, Justin Davies, Maciej Lesiak, Raul Moreno, Ignacio Cruz-Gonzalez, Stephan P. Hoole, Nick Ej West, J.J. Piek, Azfar Zaman, Farzin Fath-Ordoubadi, Rodney H. Stables, Clare Appleby, Nicolas van Mieghem, Robert Jm. van Geuns, Neal Uren, Javier Zueco, Pawel Buszman, Andres Iniguez, Javier Goicolea, David Hildick-Smith, Andrzej Ochala, Dariusz Dudek, Colm Hanratty, Rafael Cavalcante, Arie Pieter Kappetein, David P. Taggart, Gerrit-Anne van Es, Marie-Angele Morel, Ton de Vries, Yoshinobu Onuma, Vasim Farooq, Patrick W. Serruys, Adrian P. Banning.
Clinical outcomes of state-of-the-art percutaneous coronary revascularization in patients with de novo three vessel disease: 1-year results of the SYNTAX II study.
European Heart Journal
2017 : Vol. 38, nr 42, s. 3124-3134, il., bibliogr. 29 poz.
Autor korespondencyjny: PatrickW. Serruys.
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY-NC 4.0.
Data udostępnienia w sposób otwarty: 2017-08-26

p-ISSN: 0195-668X

IF: 23.425
Praca afiliowana przez UJ CM
BB: PubMed ; Scopus ; Web of Science Core Collection
PubMed; Scopus; Web of Science Core Collection
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