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Matthew Traylor, Rainer Malik, Mike A. Nalls, Ioana Cotlarciuc, Farid Radmanesh, Gudmar Thorleifsson, Ken B. Hanscombe, Carl Langefeld, Danish Saleheen, Natalia S. Rost, Idil Yet, Tim D. Spector, Jordana T. Bell, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill, Ganesh Chauhan, Stephanie Debette, Joshua C. Bis, W.T. Longstreth Jr, M. Arfan Ikram, Lenore J. Launer, Sudha Seshadri, Monica Anne Hamilton-Bruce, Jordi Jimenez-Conde, John W. Cole, Reinhold Schmidt, Agnieszka Słowik, Robin Lemmens, Arne Lindgren, Olle Melander, Raji P. Grewal, Ralph L. Sacco, Tatjana Rundek, Kathryn Rexrode, Donna K. Arnett, Julie A. Johnson, Oscar R. Benavente, Sylvia Wasssertheil- Smolle, Jin-Moo Lee, Sara L. Pulit, Quenna Wong, Stephen S. Rich, Paul I.W. de Bakker, Patrick F. McArdle, Daniel Woo, Christopher D. Anderson, Huichun Xu, Laura Heitsch, Myriam Fornage, Christina Jern, Kari Stefansson, Unnur Thorsteinsdottir, Solveig Gretarsdottir, Cathryn M. Lewis, Pankaj Sharma, Cathie L.M. Sudlow, Peter M. Rothwell, Giorgio B. Boncoraglio, Vincent Thijs, Chris Levi, James F. Meschia, Jonathan Rosand, Steven J. Kittner, Braxton D. Mitchell, Martin Dichgans, Bradford B. Worrall, Hugh S. Markus.
Genetic Variation at 16q24.2 is associated with small vessel stroke.
Annals of Neurology
2017 : Vol. 81, nr 3, s. 383-394, il., bibliogr. 51 poz., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: Matthew Traylor.
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0.
Data udostępnienia w sposób otwarty: 2016-12-20

p-ISSN: 0364-5134

IF: 10.244
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