Bibliografia UJ CM

Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 12

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Andre Lamy, Wesley Tong, Rajibul Mian, Jessica Vincent, Wojciech Szczeklik, Bruce M. Biccard, Emmanuelle Duceppe, Maria Graza Franzosi, Sadeesh K. Srinathan, Christian S. Meyhoff, Joel Parlow, Denis Xavier, P. J. Devereaux.
The cost implications of dabigatran in patients with myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery.
American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs
2022 : Vol. 22, nr 1, s. 83-91, il., bibliogr. 15 poz., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: Andre Lamy.
p-ISSN: 1175-3277
e-ISSN: 1179-187X

IF: 3.000
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
James S. Khan, Daniel I. Sessler, Matthew T.V. Chan, C.Y. Wang, Ignacio Garutti, Wojciech Szczeklik, Alparslan Turan, Jason W. Busse, Norman Buckley, James Paul, Michael McGillion, Carmen Fernández-Riveira, Sadeesh K. Srinathan, Harsha Shanthanna, Ian Gilron, Michael Jacka, Paul Jackson, James Hankinson, Pilar Paniagua, Shirley Pettit, P.J. Devereaux.
Persistent incisional pain after noncardiac surgery : an international prospective cohort study.
Anesthesiology (Phila.)
2021 : Vol. 135, nr 4, s. 711-723, il. bibliogr. 44 poz., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: James S. Khan.
p-ISSN: 0003-3022
e-ISSN: 1528-1175

IF: 9.198
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
Jessica Spence, Yannick LeManach, Matthew T.V. Chan, C.Y. Wang, Alben Sigamani, Denis Xavier, Rupert Pearse, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Ignacio Garutti, Sadeesh K. Srinathan, Emmanuelle Duceppe, Michael Walsh, Flavia Kessler Borges, German Malaga, Valsa Abraham, Atiya Faruqui, Otavio Berwanger, Bruce M. Biccard, Juan Carlos Villar, Daniel I. Sessler, Andrea Kurz, Clara K. Chow, Carisi A. Polanczyk, Wojciech Szczeklik, Gareth Ackland, Amit X. Garg, Michael Jacka, Gordon H. Guyatt, Robert J. Sapsford, Colin Williams, Olga Lucia Cortes, Pierre Coriat, Ameen Patel, Maria Tiboni, Emilie P. Belley-Cote, Stephen Yang, Diane Heels-Ansdell, Michael McGillion, Holger J. Schunemann, Simon Parlow, Matthew Patel, Shirley Pettit, Salim Yusuf, P.J. Devereaux.
Association between complications and death within 30 days after noncardiac surgery.
Canadian Medical Association Journal

2019 : Vol. 191, nr 30, s. E830-E837, il., bibliogr. 25 poz., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: P.J. Devereaux.
p-ISSN: 0820-3946
e-ISSN: 1488-2329

IF: 7.744
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
P.J. Devereaux, Emmanuelle Duceppe, Gordon Guyatt, Vikas Tandon, Reitze Rodseth, Bruce M. Biccard, Denis Xavier, Wojciech Szczeklik, Christian S. Meyhoff, Jessica Vincent, Maria Grazia Franzosi, Sadeesh K. Srinathan, Jason Erb, Patrick Magloire, John Neary, Mangala Rao, Prashant V. Rahate, Navneet K. Chaudhry, Bongani Mayosi, Miriamde Nadal, Pilar Paniagua Iglesias, Otavio Berwanger, Juan Carlos Villar, Fernando Botto, John W. Eikelboom, Daniel I. Sessler, Clive Kearon, Shirley Pettit, Mukul Sharma, Stuart J. Connolly, Shrikant I. Bangdiwala, Purnima Rao-Melacini, Andreas Hoeft, Salim Yusuf.
Dabigatran in patients with myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery (MANAGE): an international, randomised, placebo-controlled trial.
2018 : Vol. 391, nr 10137, s. 2325-2334, il., bibliogr. 26 poz., sum.
Autor korespondencyjny: P.J. Devereaux.
p-ISSN: 0140-6736

IF: 59.102
Praca afiliowana przez UJ CM
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
Emmanuelle Duceppe, Salim Yusuf, Vikas Tandon, Reitze Rodseth, Bruce M. Biccard, Denis Xavier, Wojciech Szczeklik, Christian S. Meyhoff, Maria Grazia Franzosi, Jessica Vincent, Sadeesh K. Srinathan, Joel Parlow, Patrick Magloire, John Neary, Mangala Rao, Navneet K. Chaudhry, Bongani Mayosi, Miriam de Nadal, Ekaterine Popova, Juan Carlos Villa, Fernando Botto, Otavio Berwanger, Gordon Guyatt, John W. Eikelboom, Daniel I. Sessler, Clive Kearon, Shirley Pettit, Stuart J. Connolly, Mukul Sharma, Shrikant I. Bangdiwala, P.J. Devereaux.
Design of a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial to Assess Dabigatran and Omeprazole in Patients with Myocardial Injury after Noncardiac Surgery (MANAGE).
Canadian Journal of Cardiology
2018 : Vol. 34, nr 3, s. 295-302, il., bibliogr. 33 poz., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: P.J. Devereaux.
p-ISSN: 0828-282X

IF: 5.592
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
Bruce M. Biccard, David J.A. Scott, Matthew T.V. Chan, Andrew Archbold, Chew-Yin Wang, Alben Sigamani, Gerard Urrútia, Patricia Cruz, Sadeesh K. Srinathan, David Szalay, John Harlock, Jacques G. Tittley, Theodore Rapanos, Fadi Elias, Michael J. Jacka, German Malaga, Valsa Abraham, Otavio Berwanger, Félix R. Montes, Diane M. Heels-Ansdell, Matthew T. Hutcherson, Clara K. Chow, Carisi A. Polanczyk, Wojciech Szczeklik, Gareth L. Ackland, Luc Dubois, Robert J. Sapsford, Colin Williams, Olga L. Cortés, Yannick Le Mananch, P.J. Devereaux.
Myocardial Injury After Noncardiac Surgery (MINS) in Vascular Surgical Patients: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study.
Annals of Surgery
2018 : Vol. 268, nr 2, s. 357-363, il., bibliogr. 16 poz.
Autor korespondencyjny: Bruce M. Biccard.
p-ISSN: 0003-4932

IF: 9.476
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
P.J. Devereaux, Bruce M. Biccard, Alben Sigamani, Denis Xavier, Matthew T. V. Chan, Sadeesh K. Srinathan, Michael Walsh, Valsa Abraham, Rupert Pearse, Y. Wang, Daniel I. Sessler, Andrea Kurz, Wojciech Szczeklik, Otavio Berwanger, Juan Carlos Villar, German Malaga, Amit X. Garg, Clara K. Chow, Gareth Ackland, Ameen Patel, Flavia Kessler Borges, Emilie P. Belley-Cote, Emmanuelle Duceppe, Jessica Spence, Vikas Tandon, Colin Williams, Robert J. Sapsford, Carisi A. Polanczyk, Maria Tiboni, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Atiya Faruqui, Diane Heels-Ansdell, Andre Lamy, Richard Whitlock, Yannick LeManach, Pavel S. Roshanov, Michael McGillion, Peter Kavsak, Matthew J. McQueen, Lehana Thabane, Reitze N. Rodseth, Giovanna A. Lurati Buse, Mohit Bhandari, Ignacia Garutti, Michael J. Jacka, Holger J. Schunemann, Olga Lucia Cortes, Pierre Coriat, Nazari Dvirnik, Fernando Botto, Shirley Pettit, Allan S. Jaffe, Gordon H. Guyatt.
Association of Postoperative High-Sensitivity Troponin Levels With Myocardial Injury and 30-Day Mortality Among Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery.
2017 : Vol. 317, nr 16, s. 1641-1651, il., bibliogr. 12 poz.
Autor korespondencyjny: P. J. Devereaux.
p-ISSN: 0098-7484

IF: 47.661
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
Otavio Berwanger, Yannick Le Manach, Erica Aranha Suzumura, Bruce Biccard, Sadeesh K. Srinathan, Wojciech Szczeklik, Jose A. Espirito Santo, Eliana Santucci, Alexandre B. Cavalcanti, R. Andrew Archbold, P. J. Devereaux.
Association between pre-operative statin use and major cardiovascular complications among patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery: the VISION study.
European Heart Journal
2016 : Vol. 37, nr 2, s. 177-185, il., bibliogr. 13 poz.
p-ISSN: 0195-668X

IF: 20.212
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
Malgorzata M. Bala, Elie A. Akl, Xin Sun, Dirk Bassler, Dominik Mertz, Filip Mejza, Per Olav Vandvik, German Malaga, Bradley C. Johnston, Philipp Dahm, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Natalia Diaz-Granados, Sadeesh K. Srinathan, Basil Hassouneh, Matthias Briel, Jason W. Busse, John J. You, Stephen D. Walter, Douglas G. Altman, Gordon H. Guyatt.
Randomized trials published in higher vs. lower impact journals differ in design, conduct, and analysis.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
2013 : Vol. 66, nr 3, s. 286-295, il., bibliogr. 37 poz., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: Xin Sun.
p-ISSN: 0895-4356

IF: 5.478
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
Xin Sun, Matthias Briel, Jason W. Busse, John J. You, Elie A. Akl, Filip Mejza, Malgorzata M. Bala, Dirk Bassler, Dominik Mertz, Natalia Diaz-Granados, Per Olav Vandvik, German Malaga, Sadeesh K. Srinathan, Philipp Dahm, Bradley C. Johnston, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Basil Hassouneh, Stephen D. Walter, Diane Heels-Ansdell, Neera Bhatnagar, Douglas G. Altman, Gordon H. Guyatt.
Credibility of claims of subgroup effects in randomised controlled trials: systematic review.
BMJ. British Medical Journal
2012 : Vol. 344, art. no. e1553, 9 s., il., bibliogr. 27 poz., abstr.
ISSN-L 0959-535X
e-ISSN: 1756-1833

IF: 17.215
Praca afiliowana przez UJ CM
Xin Sun, Matthias Briel, Jason W. Busse, John J. You, Elie A. Akl, Filip Mejza, Malgorzata M. Bala, Dirk Bassler, Dominik Mertz, Natalia Diaz-Granados, Per Olav Vandvik, German Malaga, Sadeesh K. Srinathan, Philipp Dahm, Bradley C. Johnston, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Basil Hassouneh, Jessica Truong, Neil D Dattani, Stephen D. Walter, Diane Heels-Ansdell, Neera Bhatnagar, Douglas G. Altman, Gordon H. Guyatt.
The influence of study characteristics on reporting of subgroup analyses in randomised controlled trials : systematic review.
BMJ. British Medical Journal (Clinical research ed.)
2011 : Vol. 342, art. no. d1569, 8 s., bibliogr. 34 poz.
p-ISSN: 0959-8138

IF: 14.093
Praca afiliowana przez UJ CM
Xin Sun, Matthias Briel, Jason W. Busse, Elie A. Akl, John J. You, Filip Mejza, Malgorzata Bala, Natalia Diaz-Granados, Dirk Bassler, Dominik Mertz, Sadeesh K. Srinathan, Per Olav Vandvik, German Malaga, Mohamed Alshurafa, Philipp Dahm, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Diane M. Heels-Ansdell, Neera Bhatnagar, Bradley C. Johnston, Li Wang, Stephen D. Walter, Douglas G. Altman, Gordon H. Guyatt.
Subgroup Analysis of Trials Is Rarely Easy (SATIRE) : a study protocol for a systematic review to characterize the analysis, reporting, and claim of subgroup effects in randomized trials.
2009 : Vol. 10, art. no. 101, 10 s., bibliogr. 31 poz.
p-ISSN: 1745-6215

IF: 2.020
Praca afiliowana przez UJ CM
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