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P. Frid, H. Xu, B.D. Mitchell, M. Drake, J. Wasselius, B. Gaynor, K. Ryan, A.K. Giese, M. Schirmer, K.L. Donahue, R. Irie, M.J.R.J. Bouts, E.C. McIntosh, S.J.T. Mocking, A.V. Dalca, E. Giralt-Steinhauer, L. Holmegaard, K. Jood, J. Roquer, J.W. Cole, P.F. McArdle, J.P. Broderick, J. Jimenez-Conde, C. Jern, B.M. Kissela, D.O. Kleindorfer, R. Lemmens, J.F. Meschia, J. Rosand, T. Rundek, R.L. Sacco, R. Schmidt, P. Sharma, A[gnieszka] Slowik, V. Thijs, D. Woo, B.B. Worrall, S.J. Kittner, J. Petersson, P. Golland, O. Wu, N.S. Rost, A. Lindgren.
Migraine-associated common genetic variants confer greater risk of posterior vs. anterior circulation ischemic stroke
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases
2022 : Vol. 31, nr 8, il., bibliogr. 34 poz.
Autor korespondencyjny: Petrea Frid and Huichun Xu
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0.

p-ISSN: 1052-3057

IF: 2.500
Praca afiliowana przez UJ CM
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
Petrea Frid, Mattias Drake, A.K. Giese, J. Wasselius, M.D. Schirmer, K.L. Donahue, L. Cloonan, R. Irie, M.J.R.J. Bouts, E.C. McIntosh, S.J.T. Mocking, A.V. Dalca, R. Sridharan, H. Xu, E. Giralt-Steinhauer, L. Holmegaard, K. Jood, J. Roquer, J.W. Cole, P.F. McArdle, J.P. Broderick, C. Jern, B.M. Kissela, D.O. Kleindorfer, R. Lemmens, J.F. Meschia, T. Rundek, R.L. Sacco, R. Schmidt, P. Sharma, A[gnieszka] Slowik, V. Thijs, D. Woo, B.B. Worrall, S.J. Kittner, B.D. Mitchell, J. Petersson, J. Rosand, P. Golland, O. Wu, N.S. Rost, A. Lindgren.
Detailed phenotyping of posterior vs. anterior circulation ischemic stroke : a multi-center MRI study.
Journal of Neurology
2020 : Vol. 267, nr 3, s. 649-658, il., bibliogr. 34 poz.
Autor korespondencyjny: Petrea Frid.
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0.

p-ISSN: 0340-5354
e-ISSN: 1432-1459

IF: 4.849
Praca afiliowana przez UJ CM
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
F. Locatelli, J.F.F. Mann, J.-C. Aldigier, D. Sanz Guajardo, R. Schmidt, B. Van Vlem, W[ładysław] Sulowicz, F.C. Dougherty, U. Beyer.
C.E.R.A. safety profile : a pooled analysis in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Clin. Nephrol.
2010 : Vol. 73, nr 2, s. 94-103, il., bibliogr. 16 poz., abstr.
IF: 1.058
Praca afiliowana przez UJ CM
L.-G. Nilsson, H. Söderlund, K. Berger, M. Breteler, M. Ridder, de, C. Dufouil, R. Fuhrer, S. Giampaoli, A. Hofman, A[ndrzej] Pajak, S. Sans, R. Schmidt, L.J. Launer.
Cognitive test battery of Cascade : Tasks and data.
Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition
2005 : Vol. 12, nr 1, s. 32-56, il., bibliogr., abstr.
Other title: Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition.
IF: 1.020
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L.J. Launer, M. Oudkerk, L.-G. Nilsson, A. Alperovitch, K. Berger, M.M.B. Breteler, R. Fuhrer, S. Giampaoli, A. Nissinen, A[ndrzej] Pajak, S. Sans, R. Schmidt, A. Hofman.
CASCADE : a European collaborative study on vascular determinants of brain lesions. Study design and objectives.
2000 : Vol. 19, nr 3, s. 113-120, il., bibliogr. 38 poz., abstr.
IF: 1.654
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