Bibliografia UJ CM

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V.S. Hoffmann, M. Baccarani, J. Hasford, F. Castagnetti, F. Di Raimondo, L.F. Casado, A. Turkina, D. Zackova, G. Ossenkoppele, A. Zaritskey, M. Hoglund, B. Simonsson, K. Indrak, Z. Sninska, T[omasz] Sacha, R. Clark, A. Bogdanovic, A. Hellmann, L. Griskevicius, G. Schubert-Fritschle, D. Sertic, J. Guilhot, S. Lejniece, I. Zupan, S. Burgstaller, P. Koskenvesa, H. Everaus, P. Costeas, D. Lindoerfer, G. Rosti, S. Saussele, A. Hochhaus, R. Hehlmann.
Treatment and outcome of 2904 CML patients from the EUTOS population-based registry.
2017 : Vol. 31, nr 3, s. 593-601
Autor korespondencyjny: V.S. Hoffmann.
p-ISSN: 0887-6924

IF: 10.023
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