Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: NIKULA SUVI
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 2

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Eva Topinkova, Katarzyna Szczerbińska, Jacob Gindin, Keren Shamay, Angel Otero, Saskia Pluijm, Suvi Nikula, Jelena Ceremnych, Maggi Stefania, The CLESA Group.
Trajectory of care for elderly stroke patients in 8 European countries.
W: The 18th Congress of the International Association of Gerontology : Iberian-Latin American Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 26-30th, 2005 : final program.
Keren Shamay, Katarzyna Szczerbinska, Suvi Nikula, Eva Topinkova, Jelena Ceremnych, Saskia M.F. Pluijm, Stefania Maggi, Angel Rodriguez, Yael Offer, Jacob Gindin.
Provision of health and social care for the demented elderly - comparison between 8 European countries.
W: The 2nd World Conference on Jewish Social and Medical Services for the Elderly, Israel, December 19-13, 2004 : program and abstracts
s. 32.
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