Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: LANGE M
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 4

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A. Bracci, A. Zani, J. Ahlberg, G. Djukic, R. Dias, J.P. Goulet, L. Guarda-Nardini, A. Emodi Perlman, M. Lange, T. Lauc, E. Nakas, M[agdalena] Osiewicz, C. Restrepo, J. Serra-Negra, V. Rutkunas, M. Thymi.
Ecological momentary assessment of awake bruxism: an update on translational and multicenter efforts on the use of an app-based evaluation.
W: IV Congresso Nazionale GSID Gruppo di Studio Italiano Disordini Craniomandibolari Ortodonzia, Occlusione e ATM:...Quo Vadis?, Marina di Carrara, 8-9 Giugno 2018 : abstract book.
Praca afiliowana przez UJ CM
A. Bracci, G. Djukic, R. Dias, M. Lange, C. Restrepo, M[agdalena] Osiewicz, J. Serra-Negra, V. Rutkunas, J.P. Goulet, L. Guarda-Nardini, D. Manfredini.
BruxApp: an update on translational and multicenter efforts.
W: III Congresso Nazionale GSID Gruppo di Studio Italiano Disordini Craniomandibolari: Dentistry in the Orofacial Pain ERA Dal mal di denti al dolore cronico, Marina di Carrara, 9-10 Giugno 2017 : abstract book.
B. Feldt-Rasmussen, J.S. Christiansen, W[ładysław] Sulowicz, M. Lange, J. Wiedemann, Anne-Marie Kappelgaard, M. El Nahas.
Weight neutral improvements of body composition in haemodialysis patients following growth hormone administration.
J. Renal Nutr.
2008 : Vol. 18, nr 3 suppl. 1, s. S26, abstr. 099
XIV International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, Marseilles, France, June 11-15, 2008.
B. Feldt-Rasmussen, M. Lange, W[ładysław] Sulowicz, U. Gafter, K.N. Lai, J. Wiedemann, J.S. Christiansen, M. El Nahas.
Improvement of lean body mass, other predictors of mortality and quality of life during growth hormone treatment in patients on chronic haemodialysis : results from a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
2006 : Vol. 17 abstract issue, s. 288A, abstr. TH-PO850
Renal Week 2006: American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, November 14-19, 2006.
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