Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: GURDA A
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 3

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B[eata] Kusnierz-Cabala, B[arbara] Maziarz, A. Gurda, P. Dumnicka, W[ojciech] Gernand, B[ogdan] Solnica, J[erzy] W. Naskalski.
Serum concentrations of soluble TNF receptors (sTNFR55/sTNFR75), c-reactive proten (CRP), serum amyloid A (SAA) and procalcitonin (PCT) compared with Ranson and Glasgow scoring systems in early prediction of severe acute pancreatitis (AP).
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
2007 : Vol. 45 special suppl., s. S291, abstr. T250
17th IFCC-FESCC European Congeres of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 60th National Congress of the Netherlands Society for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (NVKC) EUROMEDLAB, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 3-7, 2007.
T[adeusz] Popiela, P[iotr] Kolodziejczyk, J[an] Kulig, A[nna] Pituch-Noworolska, G[rażyna] Drabik, A[ntoni] Szczepanik, M[arek] Sierzega, A. Gurda, M[arek] Zembala.
The effects of preoperative chemotherapy on isolated tumour cells in blood and bone marrow of gastric cancer patients.
W: International Surgical Week 2007 : the 41nd World Congress of the International Society of Surgery ISS/SIC, Montreal, Canada, August 26-30. 2007 : abstract book
s. 220 : abstr. 386.
P[iotr] Kolodziejczyk, A[nna] Pituch-Noworolska, G[rażyna] Drabik, J[an] Kulig, A[ntoni] Szczepanik, M[arek] Sierzega, A. Gurda, T[adeusz] Popiela, M[arek] Zembala.
The effects of preoperative chemotherapy on isolated tumour cells in the blood and bone marrow of gastric cancer patients.
British Journal of Cancer
2007 : Vol. 97, nr 5, s. 589-592, il., bibliogr.
p-ISSN: 0007-0920

IF: 4.635
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