Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: FRAZ ZLATKO
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 2

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Kornelia Kotseva, Dirk De Bacquer, Catriona Jennings, Viveca Gyberg, Guy De Backer, Lars Rydén, Philippe Amouyel, Jan Bruthans, Renata Cifkova, Jaap W. Deckers, Johan De Sutter, Zlatko Fraz, Ian Graham, Irena Keber, Seppo Lehto, David Moore, Andrzej Pajak, David Wood.
Time Trends in Lifestyle, Risk Factor Control, and Use of Evidence-Based Medications in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease in Europe : Results From 3 EUROASPIRE Surveys, 1999-2013.
Global Heart
2017 : Vol. 12, nr 4, s. 315-322.e, bibliogr. 33 poz.
Autor korespondencyjny: Kornelia Kotseva.
p-ISSN: 2211-8160
e-ISSN: 2211-8179

Praca afiliowana przez UJ CM
BB: Scopus ; Web of Science Core Collection
Scopus; Web of Science Core Collection
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
Kornelia Kotseva, Dirk De Bacquer, Catriona Jennings, Viveca Gyberg, Guy De Backer, Lars Ryden, Philippe Amouyel, Jan Bruthans, Renata Cifkova, Jaap W. Deckers, Johan De Sutter, Zlatko Fraz, Ian Graham, Irena Keber, Seppo Lehto, David Moore, Andrzej Pajak, David Wood.
Adverse Lifestyle Trends Counter Improvements in Cardiovascular Risk Factor Management in Coronary Patients.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
2015 : Vol. 66, nr 14, s. 1634-1636, il., bibliogr. 2 poz.
p-ISSN: 0735-1097

IF: 17.759
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