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Zapytanie: DZIUBEK K
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 4

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H[enryk] Lach, K. Dziubek, Z[bigniew] Srebro.
The effect of alloxan on the content of non-protein and protein sulfhydryl groups in the brain, liver, kidneys and blood of mice.
W: Molecular and physiological aspects of regulatory processes of the organism : materials of 10th International Symposium of Polish Network of Molecular and Cellular Biology UNESCO/PAS, Cracow, June 5-6, 2001 / ed. by Henryk Lach.
Cracow : Cracov Pedagogical University, 2001
s. 198 : bibliogr.
H. Lach, Z[bigniew] Srebro, W. Szaroma, K. Dziubek, R. Marszałek, B[ogdan] Wiliński.
Protein-bound and nonprotein sulfhydryl groups in the brain, liver, kidney and blood of mice following vinblastine administration.
W: Molecular and physiological aspects of regulatory processes of the organism : materials of 9th International Symposium of Polish Network of Molecular and Cellular Biology UNESCO/PAS, Cracow, June 6-7, 2000 / ed. by Henryk Lach.
Cracow : Cracov Pedagogical University, 2000
s. 242 : bibliogr. 3 poz.
H. Lach, Z[bigniew] Srebro, B[ogdan] Koczanowski, K. Dziubek, M. Bugajska.
The activity of leucine-aminopeptidase in brain, liver and kidney of hypoxic mice.
W: Molecular and physiological aspects of regulatory processes of the organism : materials of 9th International Symposium of Polish Network of Molecular and Cellular Biology UNESCO/PAS, Cracow, June 6-7, 2000 / ed. by Henryk Lach.
Cracow : Cracov Pedagogical University, 2000
s. 241 : bibliogr. 3 poz.
Z[bigniew] Srebro, I[zabella] Horbulewicz-Mokrzycka, H. Lach, K. Dziubek, B[ogdan] Wiliński.
The level of reduced glutathione (GSH) in erythrocytes and protein SH groups in blood of Alzheimer's disease patients - Preliminary findings.
W: Molecular and physiological aspects of regulatory processes of the organism : materials of 9th International Symposium of Polish Network of Molecular and Cellular Biology UNESCO/PAS, Cracow, June 6-7, 2000 / ed. by Henryk Lach.
Cracow : Cracov Pedagogical University, 2000
s. 434 : bibliogr. 4 poz.
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