Bibliografia UJ CM

Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 5

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S.K. Jyväkorpi, A. Ramel, T.E. Strandberg, K[arolina] Piotrowicz, E[wa] Błaszczyk-Bębenek, A. Urtamo, H.M. Rempe, O. Geirsdóttir, T. Vágnerová, M. Billot, A. Larreur, G. Savera, G. Soriano, C. Picauron, S. Tagliaferri, C. Sanchez.Puelles, V. Sánchez Cadenas, A. Perl, L. Tirrel, H. Öhman, C. Weling.Scheepers, S. Ambrosi, A. Costantini, K. Pavelková, M. Klimkova, E. Freiberger, P.V. Jonsson, E. Marzetti, K.H. Pitkälä, F. Landi, R. Calvani.
The sarcopenia and physical frailty in older people : multi-component treatment strategies (SPRINTT) project: description and feasibility of a nutrition intervention in community-dwelling older Europeans.
European Geriatric Medicine
2021 : Vol. 12, nr 2, s. 303-312, il., bibliogr. 26 poz., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: S. K. Jyväkorpi.
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0.

p-ISSN: 1878-7649

IF: 3.269
Praca afiliowana przez UJ CM
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
G. Liegl, M.A. Petersen, M. Groenvold, N.K. Aaronson, A. Costantini, P.M. Fayers, B. Holzner, C.D. Johnson, G. Kemmler, K[rzysztof] A. Tomaszewski, A. Waldmann, T.E. Young, M. Rose, S. Nolte, EORTC Quality of Life Group.
Establishing the European Norm for the health-related quality of life domains of the computer-adaptive test EORTC CAT Core.
European Journal of Cancer
2019 : Vol. 107, s. 133-141, il., bibliogr. 35 poz., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: Sandra Nolte.
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY-NC-ND.

p-ISSN: 0959-8049

IF: 7.275
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
S. Nolte, G. Liegl, M.A. Petersen, N.K. Aaronson, A. Costantini, P.M. Fayers, M. Groenvold, B. Holzner, C.D. Johnson, G. Kemmler, K[rzysztof] A. Tomaszewski, A. Waldmann, T.E. Young, M. Rose, EORTC Quality of Life Group.
General population normative data for the EORTC QLQ-C30 health-related quality of life questionnaire based on 15,386 persons across 13 European countries, Canada and the Unites States.
European Journal of Cancer
2019 : Vol. 107, s. 153-163, il., bibliogr. 41 poz., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: Sandra Nolte.
Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY-NC-ND.

p-ISSN: 0959-8049

IF: 7.275
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
A. Bredart, A. Anota, T. Young, K[rzysztof] A[ndrzej] Tomaszewski, J[uan] I. Arraras, H.M. De Albuquerque Melo, H. Schmidt, E. Friend, M. Bergenmar, A. Costantini, V. Vassilou, J. Hureaux, F. Marchal, I[wona] M[aria] Tomaszewska, W.C. Chie, J. Ramage, A. Beaudeau, T. Conroy, E. Bleiker, D. Kulis, F. Bonnetain, N[eil] K. Aaronson.
Phase III study of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer satisfaction with cancer care core questionnaire (EORTC PATSAT-C33) and specific complementary outpatient module (EORTC OUT-PATSAT7).
European Journal of Cancer Care
2018 : Vol. 27, nr 1 art. no. e12786, s. 1-11, bibliogr.
Autor korespondencyjny: Krzysztof A. Tomaszewski.
p-ISSN: 0961-5423

IF: 2.421
Praca afiliowana przez UJ CM
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
A. Bredart, A. Beaudeau, T. Young, H.M. De Alberquerque Melo, J[uan] I. Arraras, L. Friend, H. Schmidt, K[rzysztof] A[ndrzej] Tomaszewski, M. Bergenmar, F. Bonnetain, A. Costantini, F. Marchal, I[wona] M[aria] Tomaszewska, V. Vasiliou, W.-C. Chie, J. Hureaux, T. Conroy, J. Ramage, D. Kulis, N[eil] K. Aaronson.
The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer - Satisfaction with Cancer Care Questionnaire: revision and extended application development.
2017 : Vol. 26, nr 3, s. 400-404, il., bibliogr., abstr.
Autor korespondencyjny: Anne Bredart.
p-ISSN: 1057-9249

IF: 3.455
Praca afiliowana przez UJ CM
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Streszczenie w PubMed:
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