Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: CHAUDHURI K R
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 2

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C. Trenkwalder, B. Kies, M[onika] Rudzinska, J. Fine, J. Nikl, D[ennis] L. Hill, T. Anderson, E. Surmann, J. Whitesides, B. Boroojerdi, K.R. Chaudhuri, Recover Study Group.
Effect of rotigotine on control of early morning motor function in Parkinson's disease : RECOVER study.
Movement Disorders
2010 : Vol. 25 suppl. 2, s. S292, abstr. 329
The Movement Disorder Society's Fourteenth International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Buenor Aires, Argentina, June 13-June 17, 2010.
C. Trenkwalder, B. Kies, M[onika] Rudzinska, J. Fine, J. Nikl, D[ennis] L. Hill, T. Anderson, E. Surmann, J. Whitesides, B. Boroojerdi, K.R. Chaudhuri, Recover Study Group.
Effect of rotigotine on sleep and nocturnal symptoms in Parkinson's disease : RECOVER study.
Movement Disorders
2010 : Vol. 25 suppl. 2, s. S436, abstr. 759
The Movement Disorder Society's Fourteenth International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Buenor Aires, Argentina, June 13-June 17, 2010.
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