Bibliografia UJ CM

Zapytanie: BAUMANN U
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 1

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G. Kindle, K. Warnatz, O. Paschenko, D. Kumararatne, S.S. Kilic, V. Thon, T. Witte, M. Helbert, T.W. Kuijpers, A. Exley, N. Mahlaoui, G. Notheis, H. Longhurst, U. Baumann, A. Jones, N. K€ut€ukc€uler, M. Borte, P. Wagstr€om, C. Feighery, A[nna] Szaflarska, H. Ritterbusch, S. Reda, T. Kononova, Z. Panahloo, B. Grimbacher.
Differences in clinical outcome in patients with common variable immunodeficiency treated with Ig replacement therapy: results from the ESID database.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
2011 : Vol. 127, nr 2 suppl., s. AB13, abstr. 36
Program and Abstracts of Papers to be Presented During Scientific Sessions. All abstracts are strictly embargoed until the date of presentation at the 2011 Annual Meeting, 2011 AAAAI Annual Meeting
p-ISSN: 0091-6749

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